Tuesday, October 9, 2012

"You wear white and I'll wear out the words I Love You..."

The story:
October 6, 2012 begins the journey to...

Our Wedding!!

Holy Moly, I wasn't expecting to be announcing this! It all came as a surprise. Chase and I are so blessed to have been put into each others lives and knew that one day we would spend the rest of them together. But I didn't see this one coming when it did.

October 8th was the 1st anniversary of some of my best friends Anna and Nathan Kelly. After moving to Tennessee and away from my friends and family, we planned a camping trip so that the Kelly's, Beth and Kreg Montgomery, Chase and myself could get together. The only weekend available happened to fall on the weekend before their anniversary, so we decided to use it to celebrate their first year of marriage together...
(Or so I thought!)

We all planned the weekend and what food and supplies we each were goint to bring. I suggested to Chase that we get a bottle of champagne to celebrate and surprise the couple. I couldn't wait to see my friends and have a wonderful weekend together.
Turns out it was the best weekend ever!

After a long trip and many pit stops and delays, Chase and I made it to the campsite and set up before everyone got there. We made a yummy dinner of salmon and veggies and awaited our friends.
 The rest of the group got in about midnight and we talked and spent some time together before we went to bed...and then came the rain!
I was lucky and didn't get wet at all, but it did get some of the others as well as out stuff. The guys made an area to dry everything off the next morning.

(Here's where the fun starts)
We had planned on going rock climbing and hiking Saturday, but since the rain didn't stop until around 11:00 and the area was wet, we weren't able to go as planned. I was kind of sad, but Chase and Nathan said they found a pretty place for us to hike to for lunch.
After Beth and Kreg ran an errand (more on that later), we packed up and made our way to the waterfall for lunch. It was quite a hike downhill, but the area was beautiful. We took some pictures and Chase pulled me aside to show me another area to the other side of the rope bridge we came across.
I honestly wasn't sure why he was taking me over here, or why he was acting so nervous.

He gave me a kiss and told me how much he loved me. I of course told him I loved him too.

He reached in his jacket and told me he had something for me. After fumbling to get the zipper opened and saying sweet things I regretfully can't remember (I was in shock that this was all happening), he pulled out a ring box with the most beautiful cushion cut diamond, got on one knee, and asked me to marry him.
He tells me I didn't say anything but just nodded my head. I honestly can't remember; I was just so excited! Luckily Kreg had the camera the whole time (and got a memory card at Walmart because Chase forgot it at home) and got the pictures. This was the plan the whole time.

Seriouly, everyone knew but me. This wasn't for Anna and Nathan at all. Really guys? I basically planned my own engagement without knowing it. I bought my own congratulatory bottle of champagne (which everyone thought was funny)! Everyone lied to me!!  But I couldn't be happier...
God couldn't have made a more perfect man for me. He is the kindest, most genuine, passionate, caring, creative, and loving person I know.
God's timing is perfect, and every struggle I have ever been through was all worth it in this moment. I know with all of my heart the he will love me and support me for the rest of our lives. I cannot thank God enough for him! (and Beth and Kreg for hookin us up!)

1 comment:

  1. Ryan! This makes me SO happy to read this!! I am SO hexcited for you and Chase! I wish you two a lifetime full of love and happiness!!
